Saturday, July 25, 2009

How I Survived Unemployment

Hello everybody and welcome to another 'blog' edition of Eliminate Debt and Build Wealth podcast. This blog is sponsored by

Before I begin I like to share with you the following link on "How to Survive Unemployment". Click here to read this short article: It is a very interesting article with some good and simple ideas.

I am going to put aside my debt payment status on this blog so I can share something else with you. I WAS LAID OFF!!! However, I guess I am of the lucky few because my unemployment only lasted 2 weeks. And even though the situation with my current employer is "iffy" for now I am employed full time.
Now, keep in mind that I did not receive a paycheck for 1 biweek AND I had to wait another 2 weeks to get paid I basically got one single check in the entire month of July. Did I panic you ask?? NOPE!! I have an EMERGENCY FUND...

Do you have one??? If not then DONT WAIT any longer. You need to have one just in case you are laid off or the transmission in your car goes out, or like in my case, the microwave died so I needed to buy a new one, etc., etc. So dont just think about it and then forget about it. Start little by little and eventually, when you least expect it, you will have a "fully funded" emergency fund of AT LEAST $1,000 dollars.

Here is another link that might help you get started:

P.S.: If you have a Bank of America account like I do you might want to look into the "Keep The Change" program they have. I use it and it really adds up.

Write to you soon!!!

Take care my friends

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